Monday, August 8, 2011

Lawrence Hall of Science and Veggies

As you know my quest for the summer was to find inexpensive and fun things to do with the girl's. Today, we went to the Lawrence Hall of Science where they currently have Dinosaurs Unearthed, a very cool exhibit you should catch while it's here. As Lindsay members we receive a 1/2 off discount but since the girl's also participated int he Summer Reading Program through the library we also had a free youth admission and much to my surprise they let us use both together, so it was only $14 for all three of us. It's been  along time since I visited the Hall of Science, but the girls were like wild banshee's so excited by all there was to see and do. The moving and roaring dinosaurs were a huge hit but they also loved the sphere that showed our earth with locations of volcanoes, weather patterns and then turned into the sun and other cool things.

We packed lunch and enjoyed it outside looking down on a great view of the Bay Area. The girl's are already begging to go back.

One thing that I'm not sure I shared is that we built a vegetable garden for the summer. Last year we did most of our veggies in planters and this year Scott built us an actual bed to have fun with. While Kylie is a great eater and loves veggies and fruit I was hoping that the process of watching your own veggies grow would encourage Sydney to try some things. We were probably a little excited and planted too soon but we started with a wide range of tomatoes, peppers, squash, cucumbers, corn, celery and carrots.

Pretty soon our garden started to grow

Well, one side of garden started to grow

We saw great growth in our corn, celery, carrots, squash and green beans. Sadly, critters started eating our corn, but left everything else. The celery has grown some amazing stalks, more than I can eat!

The carrots are so good! And to think all we did was toss a  bunch of seeds to get such a great bounty of yummy carrots. The squash sort of took over so we know for next year to give it it's own bed. It was difficult to see when to harvest the squash because the leaves covered up all of the veggies, but I think I have a handle on it now.

I was going to share a new recipe with you but I need to go cook some veggies! Next time I'll share my peach mojito recipe!

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