Monday, September 12, 2011

Soccer, Soccer, Soccer!

Sydney had her first soccer game over the weekend and I have officially become the team photographer, apparently this is what happens when you show up with the biggest camera. Sydney is on a team of mostly 2nd graders and since this is her first time playing she seems to be taking her time to actually get that the idea is to run and try and kick the ball. She did manage to get a few kicks in but for the most part wandered around the field lost in her own thoughts. Which I'm okay with, I know eventually she will get comfortable the girls on her team and the best part is that she is running around the field and getting exercise!

Since so many of my friends have kids who play sports I wanted to share an awesome thing that Shutterfly does. They have share sites, but more specifically you can set up a site for your sports team! It's totally awesome, you can create your roster, coach contact information, calendar, game schedule, sign-ups for snacks, and share photos. I set one up for our Soccer team and my Mini-Mermaid Running Club. Such a great way to communicate with other parents and to share photos and other necessary information. So far I'm really loving it.

Speaking of Running Club, I am excited to have six girls take part in my Mini-Mermaid Running Club! I still need to raise about $100 in the next week to cover our supplies and entrance into the our 5k but I am so excited to start running with these girls! If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to support our team, please let me know.

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