Sunday, May 15, 2011

Another Blog?

What's a girl to do? I have a camping blog, which is lacking since we haven't camped in a year, I have my athletic pursuits blog, but in light of my recent decision to quit my job and stay home with my kids, I felt the need to share some of the great resources I am finding in the Bay Area and fun activities to do with kids. I'm pretty certain that my friends who read my girls on the go blog aren't really interested in my "Mommy Tales". So, yeah, another blog.

We're prepping for the summer and coming up with loads of free or inexpensive activities to keep myself and the kids sane this summer. It's amazing what you can find when you look around. I recently  purchased a Family Membership to the Lindsay Wildlife Museum. It's only $65 and you get free admission for your entire family, but on top of that you get free admission to the Oakland Zoo and discounted admission to tons of other fun places. Planning our summer as we speak! I'll be sure to share all of the great fun activities we find.

I am also hoping to share some recipes with you as well. One thing that I realized when I went back to work full-time was how much I missed the kitchen. One weekend recently I went on a baking and cooking spree. The first thing I realized was how much it relaxed me, no wonder I had been so stressed lately, there had been no time for me to do the things that I really love, not only cooking and baking, but reading and exercising as well. Growing up I was always told that I couldn't cook and didn't have a clue in the kitchen. Okay, I think that's unfair to say to a teenager living at home with their parents, who has a need to cook at that age. My Grandmother was amazing baker and loved to entertain, I spent a lot of time in her kitchen and treasure those moments. I guess that is one of the reasons I worked so hard to prove the naysayers wrong. I became very fond of watching the Food Network on Saturdays and trying out new recipes. The one thing I found was that it's actually pretty easy to follow a recipe and once you become comfortable with one, than you can make your own subtle changes to it.

Why princesses and cupcakes? Well, let's just say I have two of the most girly-girls ever! I'm not sure they will ever grow out of the Princess Stage, I have learned to embrace and love all that is princess. Cupcakes, that's pretty self explanatory, who doesn't love a cupcake!

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