Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mimi's, Naughtiness and Limoncello

It's been a week without a Mimi (pacifier) in our house! We have been warning Kylie for several months that when you turn Three in our house, the Mimi goes bye-bye. We tried the angle of the Mimi Fairy, the Fairy collects Mimi's to give to babies who really need them. This strategy did not seem to work too well. When Sydney was Three, we lost her last Mimi and so we forced cold turkey to give it up, when I found it about a week a later I promptly tossed it in the trash since the worse seemed to be over. I finally got what all those parents were saying about going cold-turkey, it was a rough couple of nights but after that it improved quickly.

It seemed kind of cruel to take it away on her actual birthday, than I quit my job and there was a new routine for her, than she got sick and that seemed like a bad time as well. All of a sudden one day last week at nap time I couldn't fine one. We have three of them and I kind of wondered if my husband had hid them. I explained that I couldn't find it and we would have to make do. She was a little upset but seemed to get over it. So far so good, she would ask for it, but mostly seemed okay with the explanation of it being lost. Saturday night we went to a friend's house and there was a little baby there with the green newborn pacifier. Apparently, Kylie pointed out that she has one like that but that Daddy lost it. Awesome, apparently I'm not being blamed for this! Again, wasn't a monumental issue. It's been a week and honestly it's gone much better than it did with Sydney, but I'm realizing I better those Mimi's and toss them out before she actually finds them.

This leads us to naughtiness. So while there haven't been massive tantrums over the loss of our Mimi's we are having a stretch of nap protesting. Kylie has always needed lots of quiet and no distractions for nap. Put her down, close the door and she goes to sleep. Now that she has a toddler bed she has discovered the fact that she can get up and play or bring toys and books into her bed. Sometimes I come into her room and wonder where there was even room for her to sleep amongst the pile of treasures in her bed. Some days it is obvious that no napping took place, or like yesterday I continue to go in, clean up and tell her to go to sleep several times, which results in hours later a sleeping toddler and me having to wake her up at 5pm to pick up her sister. Today is no exception. I put her down and take a shower, awhile later I hear her crying and go in to find her in her crib with my checkbook and my pen. Luckily she doesn't appear to have written any checks, but she has managed to tattoo the lower half of her body. Ugh, as I take away the pen and checkbook and cover her up again, I give a stern warning to take a nap and realize I will have to deal with tattoo removal later. For your viewing pleasure I have provided photographic proof of the events.

By request I am also providing the Limoncello recipe I use. As you know, I like to use fresh herbs but if you prefer you can leave the rosemary out. Just be prepared that it takes a long time to end up with your final product. I typically make my Limoncello in the winter as my tree produces lemons in the winter as well when you aren't so inclined to drink so much lemonade.

  • 18 lemons (Meyer or Eureka), washed and dried
  • One 4-in. rosemary sprig, washed and dried
  • 2 bottles (750 ml. each) 100-proof vodka, such as Stolichnaya or Smirnoff
  • 4 1/2 cups sugar 
1. Peel lemons with a sharp vegetable peeler, taking only the zest (top layer) and avoiding any white pith. Put rosemary in a 1-gal. glass or ceramic container with a tight seal. Add zest to jar.

2. Pour 750 ml. vodka over rosemary and zest; seal container. Let sit undisturbed in a cool, dark place for 40 days.

3. In a saucepan, bring 5 cups water to a boil and add sugar. Cook, stirring, until sugar has dissolved. Let sugar syrup cool to room temperature, about 1 hour.

4. Pour syrup and remaining 750 ml. vodka over lemon-vodka mixture, stir, and seal container. Let sit in a cool, dark place for another 40 days.

5. Pour limoncello through cheesecloth into a large spouted pitcher and divide among gift bottles.

Limoncello is a great fun summer drink. I keep it in the freezer to keep it ice cold and serve in small shot like glasses to sip, or shoot if that's your style. It also makes a great Hostess gift!

Enjoy :)

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