Thursday, June 9, 2011

Maybe I spoke too soon

After a hellish 8 days of no nap and waking up at 6:15am on Tuesday, it was clear the youngest in our family would require a nap. To my surprise, she did! I don't want to jinx it or anything, but today is the third day in a row of naps and Mommy is feeling slightly more sane.

It has been an interesting week of transition prep for what will become Summer Vacation and I have to admit, it's hard not be giddy with all of Sydney's excitement (but I'm sure by this time next week, I'll feel differently). Tomorrow is Sydney's last day at school complete with parties in her classroom and at K-Club. This weekend we are hosting a slumber party for one of Sydney's oldest friends (really, since like they were 18 months) before she moves to Southern California. I'm not sure she really understands what this means and since they don't go to the same elementary school, I'm hoping it won't be too hard on her. In any event, at least they can have on last fun sleep over together.

It's been an interesting week of conversation at home with Sydney. Yesterday I asked her how her boyfriend Rowan was. She informed that she was thinking of breaking up with him. Hmm, not even sure she knew what that meant. I asked her why and she answered that he's weird. I pressed on and asked her why she thought he was weird. "He tried to fart on an apple" she responds. As I stifle a laugh I look at her and explain that this seems like something most boys Rowan's age would probably try to do. Sydney goes on to explain that "everyone" is telling er to break up with Rowan. I'll admit I was kind of shocked when she proclaimed that she had a boyfriend at this early age, I don't remember having my first boyfriend until 5th grade, but it all seemed kind of cute and harmless so I went along. However, I certainly felt like this was a good lesson to learn about not doing everything your friends think you should. So we had a nice conversation about not being influenced by what our friends think and making decisions on our own. A day later they apparently still a couple, but we'll see how they fair over the summer break.

In other interesting conversation Mom made a booboo by selecting a less than stellar choice of words yesterday which resulted in Kylie saying "Jesus Christ Sydney!", which really is quite hilarious in the voice of a three year old. After I laughed out loud I explained to Kylie that Mommy had used a bad choice of words and we wouldn't say that. It's going to be a long summer, isn't it?

I am fairly certain I have been neglectful in posting a recipe for you, so I wanted to share my a recipe from my amazing neighbor who happens to be the amazing woman behind One Family, One Meal. Her Autumn Minestrone with Turkey Meatballs is really good and really healthy and even my kids eat it. Okay, Sydney eats the broth and Kylie actually eats it, but in my house, that's HUGE! You might need to register to see the recipe, but it's free and she has two young boys at home and while I would say her kids are more adventurous than my girls, there are some great recipes here!

Enjoy your weekend and wish me luck for my first ever summer at home with the kids!

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