Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer Adventures

Now that we have had some warm weather it feels like summer is in full swing. Yesterday afternoon we made a late visit to the pool where the girls were pretty well behaved (I say surprised). I must have worn them out yesterday because Kylie slept in until 7:45am and Sydney until 8:30am. Of course I was up at 6:30am, this could possibly never happen on a day when I really need or want to sleep in. Still, it was nice to have the quiet house to myself. In true Kylie style there is always some mischievous activity going on. When she did finally wake up, I heard her crying and went to check in on her. She was sitting in her basket of stuffed animals, apparently upset that her puppy had spent the night in the basket rather than in her bed. Of course, once the camera came out she hammed it up and was no longer sad.

I was super bummed to find out that the Moraga Library had to discontinue it's story time until mid July. Not sure why, I heard something about being short staffed, probably budget reasons. We've still been making our weekly trip to the library and I was pleased to see that they have summer reading programs for babies up to adults. Kids can earn prized based on how many minutes they read over the summer and adults are entered into a drawing for various prizes based on books they read and reviews they leave. Sydney is super excited about coloring in her sheet for every 20 minutes of reading but you can also create an online account for the kids and they can track it online as well.

I also wanted to share some Free Kids Bowling opportunities. Visit this website to check out a list of bowling alleys in your area that offer free kids to bowling. I haven't checked it out because I'm not sure about taking my kids to Paddock Bowl in Pacheco, not a great area that exudes family fun. But maybe you're closer to one of the bowling alleys.

Tonight (if my husband ever leaves the office) I'm making Paula Dean's Basil Grilled Chicken and in true Paula Dean fashion it calls for over a stick of butter! It's a great summer time meal and super easy to make. In fact I've even brought it to the pool and bbq'd it there. Pair it with an orzo salad and you are set!

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