Monday, June 6, 2011

Naps no more

I haven't posted in a week because well, Kylie has not napped in a week. The first few days I tried to full myself that it was just a fluke and that I would get her back on track soon. I think I am past the denial and have moved on to acceptance. Sydney napped until she was about 3.5, even then she only stopped at school and I could still get her to take a nice nap on the weekends, she clearly still needed them but they weren't very vested in getting her to nap at school and she felt like she was missing out on fun when other kids her age didn't have to nap. I truly expected to make it through the summer with Kylie still napping and tapering off once she started school in the fall. So much for that idea. Her evening crankiness seems to be getting a little better but I do remember it being a month of hell with Sydney as she made the transition, so I'm hoping the rest of the month is not too terrible.

As I have been preparing for Summer home with the kids I have been stocking up on books, workbooks and crafts ideas. My hall cupboard has been busting at the seems with crafts and pens and books and play-doh! Last week I decided I needed some baskets to better organize all of the activities to make them easier to get to and easier to find. We went to Home Goods where I was pretty sure I would be able to find baskets to organize all of the activities. Of course in addition to some baskets we also found these.

If you've been to Mexico before these are chairs (in mini size) that they used to use on the beaches, so they bring back fond memories for me and they were just too cute to pass up. Too bad our weather has been nothing but rain and the girls are enjoying the chairs inside rather than outside.

One fun summer activity we were able to get in before all of the rain was a campfire. We bought this Fire Pit at Osh several years ago and we have for sure gotten our money's worth out of it. The kids love to make smores in the backyard, and to be honest we make them way more often at home than we do when we go camping!

Wish us luck, with naps gone and this being the last week of school for Sydney we're moving into new territory for me, an entire summer at home with both kids!

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