Monday, June 27, 2011

Oakland Zoo

I was pretty certain I wanted to go to the Oakland Zoo one day this week since we get free admission with our Lindsay Museum membership. When I saw the forecast of rain for the next two days, I figured we better go today.

The last time I was at the Zoo, Sydney was about 2 years old. I remember not thinking too much of it at the time, there were several empty exhibits, the petting zoo area happened to be closed and well, at 2, Sydney was only interested in it so much. As I put on my big mommy pants and headed to the zoo with my two kids without my husband, I was determined it would be a good day. Of course even with free entry I still had to pay $7 for parking and we would soon learn that the only friendly zoo employee was the one taking my $7 dollars to park. The kids were super excited to arrive and were thrilled to see the Flamingo's just after you enter the main gates. I foolishly brought a stroller for Kylie who wanted to be independent and walk and ended up pushing my 6 year old most of the time in the stroller (note to self: next time both kids can walk).

The girls were pretty excited to see bears. I don't remember seeing bears in this exhibit before, but they were pretty cool.

As we made our way around I was sad to notice that they no longer had bats, bummer, the bats were pretty cool. WE did get to a meet a very large Tortoise who was right next to the railing and not bothered byt he children hanging over him, he was very intent on the grass he was eating. 
The one really great thing about the Oakland Zoo is all of the great statues and climbing apparatuses for the kids. 

I have to say, it's difficult for me to go to the Zoo, I feel sorry for the animals. I know that these animals would not survive in the wild but you still wonder what they would be like in the wild. The giraffe's in particular really made me sad. such beautiful graceful creatures. They seem to be really affectionate with each other, which just seemed so simple and sweet. 

Kylie wants to bring one home, I can't really blame her. 

It's great that my kids can see all of these animals up close and I'm glad that they had a good day and enjoyed themselves, so I hope that the animals at the Zoo aren't too sad about their living conditions.


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