Thursday, June 16, 2011

Potty Training

I'm on day four of summer break and I must say that the girls were awesome on Monday, I've been under the weather a little and the girls completely entertained each other on Monday and let me take it easy most of the day. I think Kylie was so excited to have a play mate besides me and Sydney was just excited to not have to go to school. On Tuesday Scott stayed home because I had a doctor's appointment, it was hot and the kids enjoyed the slip n slide and a trip to the pool. I should have known better that the days were going to easy to keep it up any longer. the girls have been at each others throats for the past two days and are driving me insane. Add me not feeling 100% and loading our trailer for our upcoming camping trip and I've been a little crabby myself.

While Kylie seems to be for the most part napping again, we're also working on potty training. Sydney potty trained really late or rather just decided at what age she was ready to commit it. She could do it, but she wanted to do it on her own terms. Which was fine for me because when she finally decided she was ready we had hardly any accidents. So I haven't pushed Kylie and I'm just letting her do it on her own schedule. She loved going potty at Sydney's school when we would pick her up in the afternoons, so I figured that was a good sign. We clearly have had no interest in pooping in the big potty, again, Sydney was the same way, so I know in time she'll get there. I have used the excitement of the skip n slide to my full advantage. She does not wear a swim diaper for water play in the backyard, just her bathing suit, so she knows she has to come in and go potty so she doesn't have an accident in her bathing suit. On Tuesday she ran into the house saying she needed to go pee and poop! And sure enough she did both on the toilet. She was rewarded with a treat and so was very proud of her accomplishment. Yesterday she did the same thing, although didn't stay on the potty long enough and finished up in her diaper later, but it's still progress. So this morning she got on the potty and pee's and than decided to try and hang out and go poop as well. This is the end result.

All in time, and I just can't wait until I'm free of diapers!

Is it wrong to share a recipe after all of that? I'm making my Mother-in-law's banana bread to take camping with us, it's super easy and really yummy! So I thought I would share it, the whole family eats it, which as we know is a small miracle in our house.

2 1/4 c flour
1 c of sugar
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 c margarine
2 eggs
2 ripe bananas (the riper the sweeter the bread will be)
1 tsp vanilla 1/2 c milk

Cream the margarine and sugar together, add eggs and 1 banana. Add all of your dry ingredients and mix well. Add the last banana, milk and vanilla. Pour into a greased loaf pan and bake at 350 for 1 hour.

I like to sprinkle brown sugar on top of the batter before it goes into the oven, because sugar on your crust is just even better! Be careful how much you add, too much and the sugar may burn, so just keep an eye on it in the oven.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh - I have just the right number of bananas at home!

    Ro finally got potty trained recently, and it has been awesome watching him race to the bathroom and do his biz without needing intervention and constant "Do you need to go potty?"s. Isn't it funny how they like to take their toys in with them?! :)
